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Our Philosophy

"Money is incredibly emotional, and the trick is not in making it, but in keeping it."

Money can take you anywhere you want to go.

When you have it, life seems a little easier, and a little more exciting. We all dream about money; worry about it; plan our lives around it. More importantly, money ensures your family’s well-being—their health and peace-of-mind—as well as your own. Now, and for generations to come.

As an Associate Portfolio Manager offering Financial Planning, we believe in building wealth by gaining knowledge—knowledge about products, investments, financial partners, trends and most of all, our clients. We find out what your dreams are and work hard to set your future in motion. We focus on calculated, diversified ventures in order to capitalize on returns. Finally, to further protect your wealth, we study markets and continuously research new products. A solid partnership with Manulife Wealth Inc. ensures us access to some of the most sound financial information available to anyone, anywhere.

Your financial advisor should do more than invest your money. They should invest in you.

Learn more about who is setting your future in motion. 

Meet the Agentus Group's team